Cardiologist, Associate Professor
Director, Echo lab Loma Linda University
Our inaugural Standout Sindhi is the incomparable Dr. Purvi Parwani.
Throughout her cardiology fellowship, Purvi Parwani, MD, MBBS, MPH, looked on as female patients checked into the emergency department with heart attack symptoms, watching as medical teams ordered tests to investigate causes and evidence behind the women’s heart attacks. She then watched women whose tests had turned up “normal” return home without confirmation of having had a heart attack, proper treatment, or further guidance.
“There was not much understanding of women’s cardiovascular disease and these new disease phenotypes at the time,” Parwani recalls. She now believes many of those women suffered from MINOCA (myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries), a condition five times more likely to occur in women.
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